fleet management for your company's next step.

With our assistance, fleet-using companies may save money on things like time, fuel, and assets.
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Invest in Skyhawk and take control of your fleet.

Skyhawk has been here from the beginning. We provide services to both small and large businesses, and our offerings and their potential benefits remain constant. The quality of our services never varies; no matter what your organization wants, we always provide the finest solutions.


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Your journey to efficiency and optimization starts now!

Empowering Your Fleet for Excellence: Enhancing Efficiency through Smart Driving Practices, Informed Driver Feedback, and Advanced Fuel Monitoring Solutions
Real-time Tracking
Monitoring and Tracking drivers & vehicles.
Reduction of Costs
via. Optimisation and Efficiency
Connect via. API
Real-time tracking

Remove the unknown

Skyhawk is giving you tools to provide you visibility to your assets. And we don't stop there! Trip History, Driver Performance, Vehicle Performance, Fuel Consumption and More!
  • Visibility on all Vehicles & Assets in Real-Time.
  • Keeping a comprehensive record system for your vehicles and drivers
  • Eliminating Excessive Idling
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Cost-Reduction with efficiency

eco-drive with fuel management

By promoting smoother driving habits, such as avoiding sudden accelerations and harsh braking, fuel consumption can be optimized. Consistent monitoring of fuel usage enables proactive maintenance, identifies inefficiencies, and aids in making data-driven decisions. Overall, integrating these approaches improves both cost-effectiveness and sustainability for your fleet operations.
  • Get real-time data to feedback bad habits from drivers. Bad habits and Driving Violations are costing you more fuel consumption and faster wear and tear to your vehicles.
  • By keeping sensible driving techniques also reduce risk of accident, penalties and fines.
  • Load anomalies, Fuel Theft and other anomalies while in-transit can be detected and reprimanded.
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Ultimate tool

Upscale and improve your business

Leveraging the actionable insights from our app or seamlessly integrated through APIs into your system, empowers you to pinpoint issues, craft precise strategies, and scale up your business operations effectively.
  • Skyhawk offers real-time actionable data that serves as valuable tools for enhancing operational efficiency. By optimizing your business processes, you can redirect the funds saved through increased efficiency toward more impactful endeavors.
  • Multitude of Feature-rich Accessories and Sensors for any kind of requirement that you might need.
  • Fully Documented API and Software integration
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Fleet Management
That Bring Results

Vehicle Tracking
We've made it easy to monitor real-time vehicle location, view trip history, send routes, messages and tasks to drivers, get reports with notifications and more!
Connecting data can be difficult, time-consuming, and expensive. We've made it easier to get your employees, vehicles, tasks, routes, KPI's and more connected.
We have a simple and intuitive user interface that provides you with a fast and proactive experience! Get organized, get down to business, and stop wasting time on outdated software.
Whether you are looking at precision driving data or idling hours, Skyhawk has you covered. Get real-time data from your vehicle's on-board systems. Monitor fuel level and consumption, rate drivers by their driving style and much more!
Mobile Apps
Mobile apps are changing the way fleets communicate and manage their drivers, but we're taking it a step further to make things simple, easy and useful for both parties. We've got all the features you need for day-to-day operations, as well as some new ones that have never been seen before.
From panic buttons and anti-theft solutions. We also have a partner private emergency dispatch that provides ready-to-go access to police, medical, and mechanical help 24/7.

What's new?

Check out Skyhawk on it's recent events and articles
March 14, 2024
GPS Trackers for Construction: Fast track to Efficiency and Cost-Reduction

The construction industry has witnessed a remarkable transformation with the integration of GPS trackers. These powerful devices play a pivotal role in managing construction operations, ensuring asset security, and promoting safety. In this article, we explore how GPS trackers for construction are revolutionizing the construction landscape and how they contribute to the success of construction businesses. […]

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January 17, 2024
The Last-Mile Advantage: Enhancing Supply Chain Agility

The "last mile," or the last portion of a product's trip to the client, may make or break a company's image in the complicated world of supply chain management. Recognizing the importance of last-mile fleet management is essential for any business looking to improve the agility of its supply chain. The deployment of a fleet […]

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January 6, 2024
Does Fleet Management Solutions Work?

Fleet management solutions ( like Skyhawk's Fleet Management ) are software applications that help businesses manage their vehicles, drivers, and operations. They can provide various benefits, such as reducing costs, improving efficiency, enhancing safety, and complying with regulations. But do they really work? How can you measure the effectiveness of fleet management solutions? In this […]

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October 5, 2023
Optimize Your Business with Skyhawk Route & Tasks: Our Best Route Optimization For You

In the world of logistics and delivery services, one of the greatest challenges is the efficient allocation and direction of tasks and routes to drivers. Skyhawk Route & Tasks is a revolutionary tool designed to ensure that process is not only efficient but also easy to execute. Our best route optimization software is available on […]

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June 1, 2023
GPS Fuel Monitoring and LTFRB-Accredited GPS Provider: Importance of Fuel Monitoring in Fleet Management:

Fuel monitoring is a critical aspect of efficient fleet management. By leveraging GPS fuel monitoring systems and working with LTFRB-accredited GPS providers. Businesses can optimize their fleets, reduce costs, and improve operational efficiency. In this blog post, we will delve into the significance of fuel monitoring in fleet management, highlighting the benefits of GPS fuel […]

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October 18, 2022
5 Reasons How Enterprise Fleet Management Work for you

What is Fleet Management and Why is it Important? Fleet management is the process of controlling a company's vehicle mobility and operations. This is accomplished with the assistance of vehicle tracking systems, which offer real-time data on the vehicle's position, speed, and direction. Fleet tracking and management may assist businesses in increasing efficiency by optimizing […]

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June 14, 2022
GPS Fleet Tracking and How it Helps Fleet SMEs in the Philippines

Why is GPS Tracking Important for a Company's Fleet of Vehicles? fleet tracking is important for a company's fleet of vehicles because it helps to monitor and manage the fleet of vehicles. It also helps to ensure that the driver is following the route that has been specified by the company. It can also help […]

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November 14, 2021
Driver Safety with Skyhawk

Driver safety has been a concern for a very long time. In fact, it's been a concern for as long as people have been driving. While the problem still persists, the technology used to solve it today has evolved. Reduce fuel costs, prevent accidents, improve and encourage your drivers’ safety, and improve your company’s productivity. […]

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